An-Najah News - US Congressman Mark Pocan led a letter of 40 Democrats to Secretary of State Mark Pompeo, urging him to communicate with the Israeli government immediately to condemn the demolitions of 76 structures in the Palestinian Bedouin community of Homsa al-Baquia (Khierbet Humsah, in the Jordan Valley.

the letter stated, “These acts are a serious violation of international law that destroyed homes and displaced 73 people, including 41 children".Creeping annexation cannot be a policy that the U.S. government supports if we wish to see peace in the region. 

This is a grave humanitarian issue that demands your immediate attention and our collective condemnation. 

The need for engagement by the US government is particularly urgent due to the renewed threat of demolition against the Palestinian village of Khan al-Ahmar and the possibility that several additional villages in the region of Masafer Yatta will be demolished.

In addition to requesting that the State Department condemn this violation of international law, we also wish to know if American-sourced military equipment was used in the recent Israeli government displacements of the Palestinian Bedouin community of Homsa al-Baquia (Khierbet Humsah).