An-Najah News - Israeli occupation authorities have started imposing control on some areas in the West Bank, especially the Jordan Valley under the annexation plan that the Israeli Prime Minister intends to launch next July according to the National Bureau for defending land and resisting settlements stated in its latest weekly report.

This came as a first step to start opening the so-called American road – which is the first step of the implementation of the American Administration’s plan to connect the settlement blocs in the north of the city with those to its south.

 This road would connect the highway of the “Gush Etzion” settlement bloc in the south of the West Bank, with settlements, such as Har Homa, south of Jerusalem, with the settlements in North and East Jerusalem, including Ma’aleh Adumim.                                             

 The occupation municipality in Jerusalem intends to pose tenders that cost 187, 000,000 US $ by the end of the year to open another road, the expected cost is more than a quarter of a billion dollars.

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Human rights experts at the United Nations considered that the Israeli occupation’s plan to annex large parts of the occupied West Bank violates a fundamental principle of international law that prohibits the acquisition of others ’land by force.