An-Najah News - Omar Yaghi (8 months) from Gaza died, as a result of heart disease, following the postponement of the surgery that he was scheduled to undergo in "Sheba Tel Hashomer" Hospital, in the occupied land, as his operation was postponed for a month.


The reason for the delay was Israel's refusal to admit patients from Gaza on the pretext of stopping security coordination by the Palestinian Authority in the context of the freezing of any coordination with the Israeli side, because of the annexation plan.


As a result, the infant's family went to ‘Doctors for Human Rights’. The association submitted the request on behalf of Omar Yaghi again. This request was directed immediately to the Coordination and Liaison Office, without having to pass through the Palestinian Civil Committee. The new request was approved, and the date of the operation was set at Sheba Hospital on June 21, but the infant died, three days before the date of the operation.