An-Najah News - Tension escalated in Israeli occupation prisons after repression units raid sections of Palestinian detainees

Tension was high at the prisons of Rimon and Gilboa in Israel occupation today where Palestinian political prisoners are incarcerated, after Israeli repression units carried out a large-scale raid of sections at the two prisons, according to the Palestinian Prisoner Society (PPS).

It said heavily armed Israeli police and repression units raided sections of the Palestinian inmates at the two prisons, under the pretext of conducting searches, and embarked on moving prisoners between sections, provoking tensions with the latter.

The Israeli occupation authorities are incarcerating more than 5,000 Palestinian and Arab prisoners for resisting its occupation of their homeland.

In recent years, Palestinian prisoners in Israeli detention have launched multiple strikes to demand better imprisonment conditions, including an end to the unjustified Israeli policy of raiding prisoners' sections.