An-Najah News - An-Najah National University represented by Dr. Sanaa Alsarghali, Assistant Professor of constitutional law at the Faculty of Law, and Mr. Khaled Mufleh from the Deanship of Student Affairs, recently participated in a workshop about promoting a culture of human rights and gender among higher education institutions. The workshop was organized by the Palestinian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Ramallah, as part of "Amal" Project implemented in partnership with the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation.
The workshop included the participation of several higher education institutions and discussed the reality of human rights and gender in higher education institutions. Also, the workshop aimed to discuss how to establish and develop a course about human rights to be studied by university students and the process of obtaining accreditation by the Accreditation and Quality Assurance Commission.
The workshop included presentations by the participant higher education institutions’ representatives about accredited academic programs and courses related to human rights and gender, offered by these institutions.