An-Najah News - The Russian doctor, Lyudmila Laba, explained that sweating refers to two things: poisoning or a rise in the internal body temperature, and the sweat may be cold or hot, and each case indicates a specific matter.
She indicated that cold sweat accompanied by high temperature indicates the necessity to see a doctor.
She added, "When the sweat is cold, attention must be paid to the condition of the lungs. Because it may indicate the beginning of infections in them, or the exacerbation of a chronic disease. Therefore, the temperature must be measured, and if it appears that it is high, the doctor should be called immediately, because this is a dangerous indicator".
It showed that intense sweating often indicates exposure of the body to a strong viral attack, and in this case a doctor must also be consulted, to determine the necessary measures.
She pointed out that we must pay attention to this problem and see a doctor, because it is a disease that affects the endocrine system. As everyone does if the heart rate is racing. Because it is a really serious problem.