An-Najah News - Agencies – in China, Italy, the United States and Australia – many more men than women are dying from COVID-19 but the different responses of men and women is typical of many diseases in many mammals.

One major variable in severity of COVID-19 is age. But that can't explain the sex bias seen globally. A major factor is the presence of chronic diseases, particularly heart disease, diabetes and cancer which can be the reason.

The biggest problem for men is the male hormones unleashed by SRY action. Testosterone levels are implicated in many diseases, particularly heart disease, and may affect lifespan and they also disadvantage by their low levels of estrogen, which protects women from many diseases, including heart disease.
We've known for a long time that women have a stronger immune system than men. This is not all good, because it makes women more susceptible to autoimmune diseases such as lupus and multiple sclerosis.