An-Najah News - An-Najah News - Doctors and health service workers advise people to stop putting eye contacts and wear glasses instead to protect themselves from being infected with COVID-19 through the eyes. 

Sonal Toly, a professor at the American Academy for Opthalmiatrics, suggests that people should replace their eye contact with glasses in order to reduce irritation of the eyes so they won't touch their eyes much, especially polluted hands. Furthermore, wearing glasses can prevent the infected drops to go through the eyes, according to the Independent newsletter. 

The health service workers around the world assure that frequently washing hands with water and soap, along with avoiding touching your face and eyes are considered the best ways to protect yourself from being infected with the virus. 

According to the American Academy for Opthalmiatrics, that patients who have the symptoms of calcareous conjunctivitis along with some respiratory symptoms such as dyspneic along with other symptoms that are related to COVID-19, can be tested positive for having the virus. 

Due to the fact that this virus can transfer from person to another via eyes, health workers advise people who take care of infected people to not only cover their mouths and noses but also to protect their eyes through wearing safety goggles.