An-Najah News - Shocking new research revealed that patients who have COVID-19 can still spread the virus to other people even after their recovery as it can persist in the body for 8 days after they recover, according to the New York Post.  

The small study says that half of the patients had the virus in their bodies in the post-symptoms period. 

Dr. Lokesh Sharma from Yale University, says: "the most important thing that the research resulted in is that half of the patients still had the virus for up to 8 days after recovery and can still spread the virus to other people". 

She continued: "the study showed that some patients had the virus till two days after the symptoms disappeared, while some cases had the virus for up to 8 days". 

Another study showed that these patients can still spread the virus to other people during the post-symptoms period. Hence, researchers warned that patients can still shed the virus after they recover. 

The CDC advised recovered patients who still experience mild symptoms to isolate themselves for at least 3 days after they recover. 

Some researchers say that more studies should be made on a larger number of people to get more accurate information about the period that a recovered patient can still have the virus and if it is applicable to all coronavirus cases.