An-Najah News - Nablus - A study that was done on corona patients in the Chinese city of Wuhan revealed that the corona virus harmed the brain and nervous system in half of the patients with serious conditions.

These effects - which appear in a third of patients in general - lead to symptoms including headache, difficulty speaking, nerve pain, and seizures.

This study, the first to characterize brain problems associated with corona virus infection, shows that these symptoms can indicate patients who are most at risk.

Neurologist Bo Hu, from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and his colleagues examined 214 patients with Krona from Wuhan, between mid-January and mid-February.

And experts classified neurological symptoms into one of 3 categories, the first of which was the manifestations of the central nervous system - including dizziness, headache, poor awareness, acute cerebrovascular disease and seizures.

Other categories included manifestations of the peripheral nervous system (weakening of taste, poor sense of smell, poor eyesight and nerve pain) and manifestations of skeletal muscle injury.

The researchers said in their research paper: “In general, 78 patients (36.4%) had neurological manifestations. Compared to patients with mild infections, patients with severe infection were older, and some of them suffered from more latent disorders, especially high blood pressure, and they showed lower typical symptoms of corona virus, such as fever and cough, and patients with more severe infections had neurological manifestations such as acute cerebrovascular disease, poor awareness, and skeletal muscle injury.